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Working with Collections

Collections are the main way to structure and store data in Neboa.
Each collection is mapped to a table in the database, and each document is mapped to a row in that table.

Neboa only stores serialized data, therefore you don't need to worry about creating and maintaining table schemas yourself.
You can just insert and retrieve data as you please.

Creating a collection

You can create a collection by calling the collection method on the database instance.
This method will accept the name of the collection as the argument and return a collection instance.
If the collection doesn't exist in the database, it will be created automatically.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

Inserting a document

To insert a document into a collection, you can use the insert method.
This method will accept the document as the argument and return the inserted document.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

Users.insert({ name: 'John Doe', age: 42 })

Inserting multiple documents

To insert multiple documents into a collection, you can use the insertMany method.
It will accept an array of documents as the argument and return an array of the inserted documents.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

  { name: 'John Doe', age: 42 },
  { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 42 }

Collection and Document types

You can specify the type of the documents in the collection by passing a generic argument to the collection method.
This will allow you to get type hints when working with documents in the collection.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

interface User {
  name: string
  age: number

const Users = db.collection<User>('users')

Users.insert({ name: 'John Doe', age: 42 }) // OK 👍
Users.insert({ name: 'John Doe' }) // Error ❌ - missing age

const query = Users.query()
query.equalTo('name', 'John Doe')
const user = query.find(); // user is of type NeboaDocument<User>

Documents retrieved from the database will be of type NeboaDocument<T>, where T is the type of the collection.
This type is just wrapper type around the interface, which adds the _id field to the document.

This is how the NeboaDocument<T> type is defined:

interface User {
  name: string
  age: number

type NeboaDocument<T> = T & {
  _id: string

// This results in the following type:
  name: string
  age: number
  _id: string

As you can see, an _id field is added to the document. This is an ObjectID string created by Neboa using the BSON ObjectID library. You must not set the _id field yourself, as it will be overwritten by Neboa. All the tables created in the database will use this ObjectID string as the primary key and you can use it to query documents.

Updating documents

To update a document, you can use the update method.
This method will accept an ObjectID as the first argument and the update as the second argument.
It will return the updated document.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

const user = Users.insert({ name: 'John Doe', age: 42 })

Users.update(user._id, { age: 43 })

Updating multiple documents

To update multiple documents, you can use the updateMany method.
This method accepts an array of ObjectIDs as the first argument and an array of updates as the second argument.
It will return an array of the updated documents.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

const users = Users.insertMany([
  { name: 'John Doe', age: 42 },
  { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 42 }

  [ users[0]._id, users[1]._id ],
    { age: 43 },
    { age: 43 }

Deleting documents

To delete documents, you can make use of the delete and deleteMany methods.
The delete method accepts an ObjectID as the argument and will delete the document with that ID.
The deleteMany method accepts an array of ObjectIDs as the argument and will delete all documents with those IDs.

import { neboa } from 'neboa'

const db = neboa('database.db')

const Users = db.collection('users')

const user = Users.insert({ name: 'John Doe', age: 42 })


Querying documents

To query documents, you need to create a query instance on the collection. Queries are chainable and there are many methods available to build the query.
Head over to the Query section to learn more about querying documents.

Released under the MIT License.